It has always been a part of the human need to understand his origin. Where he comes from? where he is going? Why is he the only being that is capable of reasoning? and why by far unique in all aspects, than any other beings?
Ever since time began, man has always been on the quest to know the answers to these questions. Thus, he turned to science, Anthropology to be exact, the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind. Now, did man discover satisfying answers through anthropology? Is it really within the scope of our reach or just as religion, subjective (as they claim), because of the variations of their theoretical conclusions and take note, not even solid conclusions which for me are nothing but claims. I think we are just with the same standing as they are in this point of view, we're of the same road... in search for the truth. If you are an atheist allow me to throw series of questions, can you honestly put your faith on these sciences? Can human evolution be the answer to our origin? Are we really a product of genetical mutation or genetical recombination? which of the so called genetic materials are responsible for our moral sense, that whether you believe in God or not, It's there and it's strong? Why do we have conscience and reasoning when obviously evolution is nothing but mainly physical. Do we need to study another science for that? like Psychology? how many of all the sciences would it take just for us to understand our purpose, that if you are not privileged enough, you will never know.
All these so called theories have their own different views and claim to have solid evidences. Don't you think that, like Christianity, believing on one of these views requires faith? How then can you question the faith of a christian?
Please don't get me wrong I am not against science,as a matter of fact I love science. The complexity, the splendor, the design, the architecture, the delicateness, they are just too great to be equated with any of these man-made theories.
I, with all means, take my chances on believing someone must have made all these. Why God? Well, why not God? If atheists rule out God because it has no basis, isn't it a contradiction to suggest accrediting to transcendental or metaphysical being/s. Where is then the substance... where is the evidence? do they have written accounts? do they have first hand witnesses to validate facts? I'd rather stick to the Bible than taking my chances on those.
Now if I we're to define the word, God, one of the definitions is self-existent, then "what causes God" should never be an issue.
What is His connection to my own hole and inner experience?
What amazes me about this God so much is that He is the Creator; He is omnipotent; He is all powerful and he is answerable to no one. Yet he chooses to get involved with our inner pain when he doesn't have to.
Why did I believe in that? Well, same with how they believed in those theories... FAITH!!!
Well said "AH" or Authentic Humanist. It's just the same clever way of escaping the issue on the question of the origin of God. As pastor jan said,"Now if I we're to define the word God, one of the definitions is self-existent, then "what causes God" should never be an issue. Of course it is an issue! Again, logic points us that there must be a cause. Therefore, to insist the "uncaused" argument is simply illogical.
I feel it best not to argue on the cosmological issues bec I'm not a scientist [as none of us is] and we would end up arguing philosophically rather than scientifically.
I would honestly admit that the arguments you gave is quite long yet strong. But I don't see any direction to where you're headed, but that's predictable. We need to have a particular direction in this discussion so we would know the premises of the arguments that we will be espousing.
To begin with, allow me to suggest 3 questions that could lead us to either proving or disproving the existence of God:
1. In relation to my "hole" experiences in life, why/how could a loving God allow so much sufferings and evil to happen in the world today?
2. How about the evil things the believers/christians have committed in the past [crusade, witch hunting and inquisition not to mention genocide in the OT]? Isn't it immoral for a god to be involved in such ethnic cleansing?
As Richard Dawkins penned in his opening of the "God Delusion"..."the god of the OT is an immoral god, blood thirsty, murderer of children and women..."
3. Am I not allowed to live a moral life as an atheist?
p.s. "pls avoid being too wordy and beating around the bushes."
apo[ni lo]Lo dyetiks
Again I would like to thank you apo[ni lo]Lo dyetiks for taking another time to read the blog, I really do appreciate it. honestly I love to discuss these matters with you, however, in case you haven't noticed, I posted on the welcome section the main reason of this blog and that is to give inspirational thoughts and moral insights otherwise I should have started a website and flooded it's entire pages with verses. I have to admit such is not my calling. If you, however, felt the need to do so, then go ahead, I would love to visit it soon to see how short and precise your explaination would be on such a huge and complicated issue. I sincerely apologize if you are not satisfied with my answer but I already have told you back in the comment section of the previous post, I can only answer you in a practical manner. and by the way I have to commend you for doing a good job playing the role of a devil's advocate.
hi you both...
hahaha this is really getting funny...but allow me to express some thoughts about exchanging of word that you both involves.
1. Apo- we're just visitors here and must be subjected to the owner's term, not ours. Secondly, this is a blogsite not a site for open forum. And it seems that this is not a perfect place for such debates that you desires. We can only discuss matters here which is best that we can do. If, however you long to satisfy such desires, I can accept your your challenge just tell me where. But I also agree with your points except on the Post Script notes.
2. Mr Jan- it's true that you're too wordy in your latest post but that is very justifiable because this is a blog and you own this site. So you have the freedom to post as you deem desire it, may it satisfy me or not. It's even justifiable for your arguments to go nowhere because there's no specific subject to debate on. Admittedly, we all are not having any directions because we haven't agreed which premise we would begin, except on the questions raised by "apo."
3. One argues on cosmological grounds, the other on the teleological and now on the existential, what's next? Pragmatism? hahaha
4. Again, we can only discuss matters, whether agreeing or not. But this is a good way to start. The questions "Apo" have recently raised are tough but also interesting.
5. Hope other readers would also join this discussion.
Honestly i admire you both for believing you cannot be so wordy for such a delicate issue and if apo will accept your challenge of a debate. pls inform me i would love to be an audience. thank you
to AH and apo[ni lo]Lo dyetiks
I appreciate your participation on my blog but I've realized i am slowly getting away from the main reason why i started this blog and that is not to start any debate nor any philosophical arguments. but rather to offer good insights. i understand the aggressiveness of wanting to ask questions but AH is right this is not the venue for that... I'm sorry if it has to end now, however you are so welcome to contribute articles as guest bloggers any topic related to Pimp a Life. If you believe you can do something to help other people then tell me so and i will be very glad to post your articles, as long as they are original. thank you
Is God a loving God?
"Let us make man in our own image and likeness..."(Gen 1:26)
God poured out His love in us when He created us in the beginning because He is love (1 John 4:7;16). As the old maxim speaks, "If you love him then set him free." It's impossible to love a person and not give to that person the freedom to either respond or reject to that love. The greatest risk of love is the freewill we give to that person we love because with that exercise of freewill one can freely choose not to respond with that love. Freedom is sacred because without it love will lost its significance and worth.
Because of freedom, the creation choose to reject the love of his Creator. The Creation choose to live apart from the will of his Creator. The creation didn't just violate the absolute law but violated as well the person of the Creator. The result destruction, violence and pain. The result is suffering. Did God wilt it to happen? or man wilt it to happen that way? God can't call us freemen and violate our freewill.
"So if the Son has set you free, you are free indeed."(John 8:36).
Freedom is not the right to do what we want but it is the responsibility to do what is right.
I rest my case...
I apologize if my previous comment sounds rude. Didn't mean it. I thought you're ready for battle on the level of soft apologetics.
Thank you very much for accommodating my comments humbly and lovingly. Expect that you will never hear from me again but I will still be reading your articles. More power to you.
Again my apologies....
-Authentic Humanist-
"AH" is an IBC Alumnus
yup i figured that one out already right from the very beginning, that both of you are from IBC. What makes me wonder is the constant appeal for apologetics and debate when it is pretty obvious right from the very first posted article that this blog is not in any nature an attempt to defend any beliefs but rather an avenue to express my thoughts and insights. I've realized that i made the mistake of answering apos questions cause i lost a great deal of readers, since i am monitoring my traffic. my readers come to my blog broken, downhearted and wanting encouragements, not apologetics. it's not just relevant to everyday life issues. and for that i am am sad
very well said Ptr. Jan. put this issue to rest and let us always be reminded that we were created for a purpose... the same thing that this blog is created for a purpose and it's always good to go back to that, which is to minister and encourage people not for debate.
keep up the good work ptr. jan!
nice thought...even i believe god created us and the world....we are just puppets in his hand...and all of us here are send for a purpose which we have to identify..
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