It has always been a part of the human need to understand his origin. Where he comes from? where he is going? Why is he the only being that is capable of reasoning? and why by far unique in all aspects, than any other beings?
Ever since time began, man has always been on the quest to know the answers to these questions. Thus, he turned to science, Anthropology to be exact, the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind. Now, did man discover satisfying answers through anthropology? Is it really within the scope of our reach or just as religion, subjective (as they claim), because of the variations of their theoretical conclusions and take note, not even solid conclusions which for me are nothing but claims. I think we are just with the same standing as they are in this point of view, we're of the same road... in search for the truth. If you are an atheist allow me to throw series of questions, can you honestly put your faith on these sciences? Can human evolution be the answer to our origin? Are we really a product of genetical mutation or genetical recombination? which of the so called genetic materials are responsible for our moral sense, that whether you believe in God or not, It's there and it's strong? Why do we have conscience and reasoning when obviously evolution is nothing but mainly physical. Do we need to study another science for that? like Psychology? how many of all the sciences would it take just for us to understand our purpose, that if you are not privileged enough, you will never know.
All these so called theories have their own different views and claim to have solid evidences. Don't you think that, like Christianity, believing on one of these views requires faith? How then can you question the faith of a christian?
Please don't get me wrong I am not against science,as a matter of fact I love science. The complexity, the splendor, the design, the architecture, the delicateness, they are just too great to be equated with any of these man-made theories.
I, with all means, take my chances on believing someone must have made all these. Why God? Well, why not God? If atheists rule out God because it has no basis, isn't it a contradiction to suggest accrediting to transcendental or metaphysical being/s. Where is then the substance... where is the evidence? do they have written accounts? do they have first hand witnesses to validate facts? I'd rather stick to the Bible than taking my chances on those.
Now if I we're to define the word, God, one of the definitions is self-existent, then "what causes God" should never be an issue.
What is His connection to my own hole and inner experience?
What amazes me about this God so much is that He is the Creator; He is omnipotent; He is all powerful and he is answerable to no one. Yet he chooses to get involved with our inner pain when he doesn't have to.
Why did I believe in that? Well, same with how they believed in those theories... FAITH!!!