I honestly believe that every individual is unique. That everyone has their own abilities. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and knowing that every waking hours of the day is an opportunity where you can learn from life. Bounce back if you have to, adapt when you need to, endure just to go through...just remember, that at the end of the day... there is only you, to face every consequences of your actions.Definitely the same with other people, we were born, we live, and ultimately we'll die at some point. How you will be remembered is basically a result of what you have been doing between living and dying.
Yes life is fragile, life is short, but if you live it right, living life once, is already enough.
Jando, this is an amazing video!I can't believe someone who had few months to life like him could be so energetic, and and happy! It's unbelievable!I feel ashame to myself...how I always complain about silly things or small things...this guy had cancer and he never complained!I agree about the Karma...it's true..if you live properly...you will get what you want. Positive will bring positive back..whereas negative will definitely bring negative back to you..to your life!
I too agree with you..that every individual is unique..we are special in our own ways!!..THANKS JANDO!this surely pimp my life!ahahahahah
so so glad to hear that. yeah u r so true the guy is amazing, sad that he's gone now, thank goodness we're still here and we can still do a lot of positive things... ain't life or should i say the author of life amazing?
His story is really inspiring. I have my moments that I feel like I don't want to live, but when I think about my child, that is when I found hope to go on.
Great blog! I am interested in your views. I will be following.
The video was so inspiring and it 's so amazing how he had managed to let not his disease rob his joy of the present.I'm just so blessed.
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