Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Hole

Many times we find ourselves in a dark hole, and we ask the question, why? We then begin to look for reasons, things, situations, people and most of the time, God, to blame on...

Is there really a God? Many times in my life, specially during the lowest and saddest times, I am confronted with that very question, and even at the point of really agreeing that there is no God. Did I find the answer? Let's analyze this, Let's try to beat a horse here.

If the answer is no, there is no God, then of course the question becomes more intense coz it eliminates the beginning of everything. so when you eliminate God you're left with another question, what is the beginning of everything? The Big Bang theory? well I have lived long enough to know that when something erupts, something must have caused it, (most of the time it was me during my childhood days hehehe), you don't have to be a scientist to know that. Granted that it was the beginning of the universe, then what is the beginning of the cause of the explosion? it still did not answer the beginning of everything question. It just deepen the mystery.
Vague as the big bang theory, so is the other theories including the evolution. I tell you it takes more faith to believe on those rather than believing that there is a God because they're like punching the moon, I cannot bet my life on those theories.

And if the answer is yes there is a God. All of us, at least, want to believe that there is more to life than just living and dying. Life is just too dramatic and meaningful to believe that it's all for nothing. I mean the joy, the pain, the laughter, the tears, the enduring, the learning, the caring and the loving are all just for nothing? That's one belief that is more unfair than life itself, won't you agree?

Let's try to put God back in the picture and see if we can solve this conflict...
Q: What is the beginning of everything? A: God

Not unless we solve this question on this angle, we will keep bumping into another question or should i say endless questions.

If you want to play smart and ask, what is the beginning of God? then I'd say you really love conflict and confusion so I'd better leave you alone.

Let's go back to the hole situation. Ain't it assuring to know that there is a God when you are in a hole?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cause and Effect

I honestly believe that every individual is unique. That everyone has their own abilities. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and knowing that every waking hours of the day is an opportunity where you can learn from life. Bounce back if you have to, adapt when you need to, endure just to go through...just remember, that at the end of the day... there is only you, to face every consequences of your actions.Definitely the same with other people, we were born, we live, and ultimately we'll die at some point. How you will be remembered is basically a result of what you have been doing between living and dying.
Yes life is fragile, life is short, but if you live it right, living life once, is already enough

The Great Dictator

Here's a scene from the movie The Great Dictator, a very straightforward and intellectual film of the famous Charlie Chaplin. Very power...