Here's a scene from the movie The Great Dictator, a very straightforward and intellectual film of the famous Charlie Chaplin. Very powerful and compelling movie.
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Review by Michael Aloisi
At the end of the First World War a clumsy soldier ends up in the hospital for twenty years with amnesia. When released he goes back to his barber shop unaware that his country is now being ruled by a tyrant of a dictator, who he happens to be the splitting image of and one day gets mistaken for.
Charlie Chaplin’s (though billed as Charles in this film) first full length all sound picture, The Great Dictator was a ground breaking in its time for its anti-fascism. When the film first started production in 1937 the world hardly knew of the atrocities Hitler was doing. Charlie decided to do the film after a friend of his told him how much he looked like Hitler. After learning they were born a week apart, were the same height and weight, Charlie decided to use these similarities to make a strong political statement. What came of it is the classic film The Great Dictator.
The film starts off in an elaborate war scene where Charlie plays a hapless solider (who is never named in the movie and only goes by “The Barber”). After many comic high jinks that showcase Charlie’s silent film powers The Barber narrowly escapes the enemy and saves the life of a military pilot named Schultz. Only to suffer amnesia and be put in a hospital for over twenty years.
When The Barber leaves the hospital he goes back to his barbershop unaware that the menacing Dictator Adenoid Hynkel now rules his beloved country of Tomania. He starts a romance with Hannah, (Paulette Goddard, his real life wife at the time) the girl next door to his shop after getting into a fight with Hynkel’s Storm Troopers because he has no clue of the new rules. Everyone thinks he is heroic for standing up for their rights when in reality he his oblivious to the plight of the country. When the commander comes to reprimand him, to his luck, it is Schultz, the man he saved years before, who is now a high commander. He tells the troopers to leave the ghetto alone and things are fine, for a while.
Meanwhile Dictator Hynkel decides to take over a neighboring country. When Schultz disagrees with his actions, he is sent to jail along with the Barber. The two eventually escape from prison dressed in full military garb. Hynkel, happens to be hunting that day in civilian clothing. The guards arrest Hynkel thinking he’s the Barber while The Barber gets mistaken for the great dictator. Though this film is almost seventy years old, the comedy within it holds up well. At fifty years old Charlie was still pulling off physical comedy that shows why he is still the greatest comedian of all time. Though at times some sketches tend to go on too long. One particularly hysterical speech by Charlie playing the dictator is made up of nothing but gibberish with a fake German accent! Though funny, at almost six minutes long it gets a bit old.
Some of the highlights of the film are the last screen appearance of Charlie in the Tramp outfit (though he says this is not a tramp film), the patriotic, passionate end speech and the now famous “globe dance” as Hynkel dances with a giant blown up globe. All of which are worth a watch.
At times the morals are a bit heavy handed. Watching it in the context of when it came out and how Charlie was one of the first people ever to denounce Hitler and make fun of him in such a public way, is truly remarkable.
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life's a journey
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Common Platform
It has always been a part of the human need to understand his origin. Where he comes from? where he is going? Why is he the only being that is capable of reasoning? and why by far unique in all aspects, than any other beings?
Ever since time began, man has always been on the quest to know the answers to these questions. Thus, he turned to science, Anthropology to be exact, the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind. Now, did man discover satisfying answers through anthropology? Is it really within the scope of our reach or just as religion, subjective (as they claim), because of the variations of their theoretical conclusions and take note, not even solid conclusions which for me are nothing but claims. I think we are just with the same standing as they are in this point of view, we're of the same road... in search for the truth. If you are an atheist allow me to throw series of questions, can you honestly put your faith on these sciences? Can human evolution be the answer to our origin? Are we really a product of genetical mutation or genetical recombination? which of the so called genetic materials are responsible for our moral sense, that whether you believe in God or not, It's there and it's strong? Why do we have conscience and reasoning when obviously evolution is nothing but mainly physical. Do we need to study another science for that? like Psychology? how many of all the sciences would it take just for us to understand our purpose, that if you are not privileged enough, you will never know.
All these so called theories have their own different views and claim to have solid evidences. Don't you think that, like Christianity, believing on one of these views requires faith? How then can you question the faith of a christian?
Please don't get me wrong I am not against science,as a matter of fact I love science. The complexity, the splendor, the design, the architecture, the delicateness, they are just too great to be equated with any of these man-made theories.
I, with all means, take my chances on believing someone must have made all these. Why God? Well, why not God? If atheists rule out God because it has no basis, isn't it a contradiction to suggest accrediting to transcendental or metaphysical being/s. Where is then the substance... where is the evidence? do they have written accounts? do they have first hand witnesses to validate facts? I'd rather stick to the Bible than taking my chances on those.
Now if I we're to define the word, God, one of the definitions is self-existent, then "what causes God" should never be an issue.
What is His connection to my own hole and inner experience?
What amazes me about this God so much is that He is the Creator; He is omnipotent; He is all powerful and he is answerable to no one. Yet he chooses to get involved with our inner pain when he doesn't have to.
Why did I believe in that? Well, same with how they believed in those theories... FAITH!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Hole
Many times we find ourselves in a dark hole, and we ask the question, why? We then begin to look for reasons, things, situations, people and most of the time, God, to blame on...
Is there really a God? Many times in my life, specially during the lowest and saddest times, I am confronted with that very question, and even at the point of really agreeing that there is no God. Did I find the answer? Let's analyze this, Let's try to beat a horse here.
If the answer is no, there is no God, then of course the question becomes more intense coz it eliminates the beginning of everything. so when you eliminate God you're left with another question, what is the beginning of everything? The Big Bang theory? well I have lived long enough to know that when something erupts, something must have caused it, (most of the time it was me during my childhood days hehehe), you don't have to be a scientist to know that. Granted that it was the beginning of the universe, then what is the beginning of the cause of the explosion? it still did not answer the beginning of everything question. It just deepen the mystery.
Vague as the big bang theory, so is the other theories including the evolution. I tell you it takes more faith to believe on those rather than believing that there is a God because they're like punching the moon, I cannot bet my life on those theories.
And if the answer is yes there is a God. All of us, at least, want to believe that there is more to life than just living and dying. Life is just too dramatic and meaningful to believe that it's all for nothing. I mean the joy, the pain, the laughter, the tears, the enduring, the learning, the caring and the loving are all just for nothing? That's one belief that is more unfair than life itself, won't you agree?
Let's try to put God back in the picture and see if we can solve this conflict...
Q: What is the beginning of everything? A: God
Not unless we solve this question on this angle, we will keep bumping into another question or should i say endless questions.
If you want to play smart and ask, what is the beginning of God? then I'd say you really love conflict and confusion so I'd better leave you alone.
Let's go back to the hole situation. Ain't it assuring to know that there is a God when you are in a hole?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Cause and Effect
I honestly believe that every individual is unique. That everyone has their own abilities. It's just a matter of believing in yourself and knowing that every waking hours of the day is an opportunity where you can learn from life. Bounce back if you have to, adapt when you need to, endure just to go through...just remember, that at the end of the day... there is only you, to face every consequences of your actions.Definitely the same with other people, we were born, we live, and ultimately we'll die at some point. How you will be remembered is basically a result of what you have been doing between living and dying.
Yes life is fragile, life is short, but if you live it right, living life once, is already enough.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Michael Jackson's Death
As shocked as everybody else i can't believe it either that Michael Jackson is dead. well ok here's a confession, as a young child (many years ago, that is) i idolized the guy (oh for crying out loud), imitated him and danced like crazy just to look like him. When my grandmother visits us she would always ask me during night time to sing and dance in a performance level (hehehe) for her entertainment (rude grandma) but when i reach the part where i sing MJ's songs, she would say, "oh i'm sleepy now i need to rest, it's been a long day." oh well, let's shift back to first gear before i reveal things i would regret later.
MJ's dead? The king of pop? how could it be? how could it happen to him? While I was asking these questions I've realized that, there's a much tougher question, how could he not die? yes he's popular, yes he's famous, yes he's multi-talented but like you and me he is a part of a reality no one can escape, the reality of death or "the fall" in my previous post. He is a part of a journey, life's journey, to be exact. And like every journey, there's a beginning, and sad it may be, there is also an end.
After a day and a half drive from Oroquieta City to Cebu I felt so exhausted. To top it all, I couldn't find any space for even just a little rest on board the barge from Dumaguete to Cebu. 4:40 am we arrived at San Tander. Few minutes passed and boy, God's nature has it's way of lifting up a rather tired soul. Picture courtesy by yours truly.
After getting off the barge I took another shot at this splendid, breathtaking scene, and here it is. I'm reminded that every dark moment of our lives, though trouble and sorrow may come through the night, no matter how long and endless it may be, joy is sure to come in the morning.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Do You Have A Negative View of Life?
I have mentioned on my previous post that life will never go easy on anyone. True as it is I can still say life's beautiful. Why? Let me tell you a story that me and my father created as we we're talking one day about life, way back my teen age years, he probably would have a different version of it now if he's to tell the story but allow me to tell you mine. Here is how the story goes:
The Fall
Once, there stood a magnificent and mighty tree in a midst of a thick forest. So vibrant and lush that whoever sees it, adores it. Even the kings and the nobles admire it's grandness. It's resident leaves however, appear to be dominated by another feeling, a feeling that consumed them daily, the fear of "the fall". "We are clinging to the mightiest tree ever there is in the entire forest" says one leaf, "let's live our lives selfishly and indulge every moment of it, worrying on nothing but ourselves." As a result, it was a chaotic world.
While they were consoling themselves with such words, Unknown to everyone, the tree budded a new leaf. Unobserved, the new leaf was a picture of innocence. Unsophisticated and unworldly, he was a picture of naiveté. At the heart of a crowded tree a new life was born that day.
Few days had passed the young leaf became conscious of his surroundings. One early morning he was awaken by a disturbing sound, a sound of a worm munching another leaf just beneath him, it was a horrible scene. "I had one of those things on me one time". says a voice beside him. The new leaf glanced and saw a malformed leaf, so horrifying that he can't bare to watch. "thank goodness a bird came and swallowed it." the deformed leaf continues, "keep an eye on those things, they're beasts, they'll show you no mercy." then the deformed leaf said nothing more. While he was left startled by the scenes he had witnessed, the young leaf noticed just slightly above him, a leaf with a different color, pale and brownish. A leaf drained out of his youth. Then without warning a deafening CRACK filled the air, down came the brownish leaf never to be seen again, detached from the mighty tree to a place no one knows. The young leaf turned to the deformed leaf and asked, "what happened to that leaf?" "That is the final destiny of everyone here, we call it "the fall" everyone here is afraid of the fall." answered the deformed leaf. Shocked and speechless the young leaf didn't know what hit him, he was baffled.
For days the young leaf spoke to no one. then finally, he said, "from now on I will mind no one and care for no one. Life is unfair and has no beauty, bad things would happen anyway no matter what. I will live my life selfishly and indulge every moment of it, worrying on nothing but myself." and that's what he did from that day on.
Years passed til one particular day he noticed his color. "no, not me!" he said, and he remembered "the fall" and was stricken with great terror. Day after day right before his eyes, his color was fading and he was filled with fear. Day after day he was filled with anxiety until eventually he heard it again, CRACK! the dreaded day happened, "the fall." Down came the once young leaf.
Slowly the wind took him further and further, gradually he is beginning to see the entire tree, where he once was. Beautiful and splendid the tree stood with it's glory. "WOW" was the only word he could utter. A delayed admiration underlying a regretful ending. "Why didn't I enjoy my time being a part of that tree? Why was I engrossed with fear of the fall? Why was I so absorbed with worries that choked the very life in me," said the leaf.
...end of story
It's undeniable, yes, that life is full of negative things; but how you handle it makes the difference.
I had a melancholic childhood myself and experienced a lot of unpleasant things, however, if given a chance to relive my life, i would still choose to be born the way I was because those negative experiences led me to look at things rather differently; to better sympathize with people in pain and compels me to help others rather than withdraw. For in the process of walking an extra mile, i am finding healing for myself.
Life introduced me to my wife and my son - they're the best thing that ever happened to me and somehow they outweigh those previous bad experiences. I thank God for them everyday.
Once, there stood a magnificent and mighty tree in a midst of a thick forest. So vibrant and lush that whoever sees it, adores it. Even the kings and the nobles admire it's grandness. It's resident leaves however, appear to be dominated by another feeling, a feeling that consumed them daily, the fear of "the fall". "We are clinging to the mightiest tree ever there is in the entire forest" says one leaf, "let's live our lives selfishly and indulge every moment of it, worrying on nothing but ourselves." As a result, it was a chaotic world.
While they were consoling themselves with such words, Unknown to everyone, the tree budded a new leaf. Unobserved, the new leaf was a picture of innocence. Unsophisticated and unworldly, he was a picture of naiveté. At the heart of a crowded tree a new life was born that day.
Few days had passed the young leaf became conscious of his surroundings. One early morning he was awaken by a disturbing sound, a sound of a worm munching another leaf just beneath him, it was a horrible scene. "I had one of those things on me one time". says a voice beside him. The new leaf glanced and saw a malformed leaf, so horrifying that he can't bare to watch. "thank goodness a bird came and swallowed it." the deformed leaf continues, "keep an eye on those things, they're beasts, they'll show you no mercy." then the deformed leaf said nothing more. While he was left startled by the scenes he had witnessed, the young leaf noticed just slightly above him, a leaf with a different color, pale and brownish. A leaf drained out of his youth. Then without warning a deafening CRACK filled the air, down came the brownish leaf never to be seen again, detached from the mighty tree to a place no one knows. The young leaf turned to the deformed leaf and asked, "what happened to that leaf?" "That is the final destiny of everyone here, we call it "the fall" everyone here is afraid of the fall." answered the deformed leaf. Shocked and speechless the young leaf didn't know what hit him, he was baffled.
For days the young leaf spoke to no one. then finally, he said, "from now on I will mind no one and care for no one. Life is unfair and has no beauty, bad things would happen anyway no matter what. I will live my life selfishly and indulge every moment of it, worrying on nothing but myself." and that's what he did from that day on.
Years passed til one particular day he noticed his color. "no, not me!" he said, and he remembered "the fall" and was stricken with great terror. Day after day right before his eyes, his color was fading and he was filled with fear. Day after day he was filled with anxiety until eventually he heard it again, CRACK! the dreaded day happened, "the fall." Down came the once young leaf.
Slowly the wind took him further and further, gradually he is beginning to see the entire tree, where he once was. Beautiful and splendid the tree stood with it's glory. "WOW" was the only word he could utter. A delayed admiration underlying a regretful ending. "Why didn't I enjoy my time being a part of that tree? Why was I engrossed with fear of the fall? Why was I so absorbed with worries that choked the very life in me," said the leaf.
...end of story
It's undeniable, yes, that life is full of negative things; but how you handle it makes the difference.
I had a melancholic childhood myself and experienced a lot of unpleasant things, however, if given a chance to relive my life, i would still choose to be born the way I was because those negative experiences led me to look at things rather differently; to better sympathize with people in pain and compels me to help others rather than withdraw. For in the process of walking an extra mile, i am finding healing for myself.
Life introduced me to my wife and my son - they're the best thing that ever happened to me and somehow they outweigh those previous bad experiences. I thank God for them everyday.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Here is a powerful video essay, as some call it, to help you along with life's journey
Why life's a journey?
yes I know, we've heard this line over and over again "life is a journey", but have we really fathomed the real meaning of this old, worn out, overly quoted life is a journey thing?
I have been around for about 36 years now and over the years I have found this statement to be true, of course to some, 36 years isn't quite an authority yet to say a lot of things about life, well maybe? but my life story compels me to believe that "experience is the best teacher".
do i say this to implement that i understand everything about life? of course not. what I'm saying is that, we experience life first hand, and most of the time we face different hardships, difficult situations, different challenges, and if you're smart enough you will realize that everyday is a learning experience.
I'm always fascinated with how our bodies are designed. when we work our bodies out in the gym, we literally put our bodies into beating, but it's so amazing how it reacts, it develops itself muscles, it understands survival, it is making itself ready for the next attack, it says "bring it on"!
In this life's journey, we are our own tool. we can never say to anyone, let me borrow your experience i need it with what I'm facing now; or say let me borrow your intellect; or your courage or your strength.
life will never go easy on anyone, life is tough and that is a reality we can never change.
there is however something we can change, our outlook in life, that life is a journey and not a destiny.
in the dictionary one of the definitions of journey is traveling from one place to another. In life's journey, I do believe that it's traveling from ignorance to becoming wise; feeble to able; blunt to becoming the sharpest tool ever there is, because life is a journey.
I have been around for about 36 years now and over the years I have found this statement to be true, of course to some, 36 years isn't quite an authority yet to say a lot of things about life, well maybe? but my life story compels me to believe that "experience is the best teacher".
do i say this to implement that i understand everything about life? of course not. what I'm saying is that, we experience life first hand, and most of the time we face different hardships, difficult situations, different challenges, and if you're smart enough you will realize that everyday is a learning experience.
I'm always fascinated with how our bodies are designed. when we work our bodies out in the gym, we literally put our bodies into beating, but it's so amazing how it reacts, it develops itself muscles, it understands survival, it is making itself ready for the next attack, it says "bring it on"!
In this life's journey, we are our own tool. we can never say to anyone, let me borrow your experience i need it with what I'm facing now; or say let me borrow your intellect; or your courage or your strength.
life will never go easy on anyone, life is tough and that is a reality we can never change.
there is however something we can change, our outlook in life, that life is a journey and not a destiny.
in the dictionary one of the definitions of journey is traveling from one place to another. In life's journey, I do believe that it's traveling from ignorance to becoming wise; feeble to able; blunt to becoming the sharpest tool ever there is, because life is a journey.
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The Great Dictator
Here's a scene from the movie The Great Dictator, a very straightforward and intellectual film of the famous Charlie Chaplin. Very power...
It has always been a part of the human need to understand his origin. Where he comes from? where he is going? Why is he the only being that...
Greatest tool for the Journey - Sunscreen Here is a powerful video essay, as some call it, to help you along with life's journey
Many times we find ourselves in a dark hole , and we ask the question, why? We then begin to look for reasons, things, situations, people an...